2025 Chocolate Walk
We would like to invite our Local Businesses to participate in our Annual Chocolate Walk! There is no charge to participate, just the cost of the "Treat" you are providing.
Essentially, it's a way to get the general public (ticket holders) to visit your establishment to see the benefits of shopping there, where you are located, etc. It's a great opportunity to grow your customer base by perhaps offering discount coupons, adding to your email data base via some sort of door prize or give-away, meet personally with potential local clientele to establish a rapport, or any other number of ways to potentially grow your business by having 100 new faces visit your establishment all in ONE day!
Local shoppers in the door the day of the event from 10am - 2pm! Name recognition on social media and email campaigns. Some examples of what has been provided in the past are chocolate candies from a local candy company, chocolate-flavored beverages or desserts, chocolate items with your logo, etc.
The Chamber will take care of the advertising and ticket sales. We will sell a maximum of 120 tickets at $10!
Print out your ticket receipt to present at each business and feel free to start at wherever you want!
This is NOT limited to just downtown businesses! We’ve expanded to include all businesses in the Louisville/Nimishillen area.